
Showing posts from April, 2020

Prayers for our Director

Today seems like the perfect day to lift up our Director Joel Wilke in prayer. Today is his birthday. So as you pray for him, please send him some virtual birthday love as well! Lord, today we lift up Joel. We lift him up as a leader, a father, a husband, and as your child. These past 11 years that he has been at Camp we have seen miraculous things happen. He has listened to you and sought your guidance through all these years. He is isn't afraid to dream with you! Today we pray that he continues to seek you and feels your peace during these uncertain times. He has big decisions to make this week and we pray for his heart as he decides what to do with this summer. We know he is thinking about each and every camper, money, staff members, and his own family. This is a large load to carry and he carries it gracefully with you. Thank you Lord, for your servant Joel and his dedication to you and this camp, and the ministry we do here. Bless him today on his birthday, may he feel your ...

Prayer for Counselors in Training

Today we have a special prayer for our Counselors in Training. This prayer comes from two of our beloved Camp Pastors. Pastor's Ross & Amanda Baker.

Prayer for Junior High Journey Campers

From counselor Kaden: Dear Lord, I want to lift up each of our Junior High campers as the summer approaches and we begin to think about our next year at Camp Horizon. I ask you to help these young students finish their school year by giving everything they have got in their classes. I ask that you stay within their minds and their hearts through every task whether big or small. I can't wait to be a part of their walk for You as they grow Spiritually this summer. Amen. From counselor Adison: Hey God,  I pray our JHJ campers can feel your presence during these times, hopefully just as much as they do at Camp. I pray that even in times where it feels like everything is canceled, Lord, that they are still able to see far enough in the future, and know that this will not last forever, and that we are so looking forward to seeing them all this summer. I pray for their safety, and for their health, and I pray that they feel held, not only by those around them, but also by You. Thank y...

Prayer for Elementary Explorer Campers

From counselor Allison: God, thank you so much for these campers. Thank you for their willingness to learn, and to listen, and to grow in their faith with You. I pray that right now, through this time of strangeness and isolation, that You will work in their hearts, reassuring them that everything will be okay, even though it feels a little bit weird right now. Please help these kids to focus on their schoolwork when it seems impossible, but also to know that it’s okay to relax and have fun too. God, I just pray that you are a presence in each of these campers’ homes every day, guarding and guiding these young people in Your way and down the path that You’ve set for them. Help them to feel Your presence when they are sad or lonely, and to rejoice with You in the happy moments as well. Lord, please protect these kids and continue to watch over them as they live their lives in a new and different way. Thank you, God, for Your goodness and never-ending acceptance of us, no matter what s...

Prayer for Young Wonders Campers

From Counselor Jillian: From counselor Kaden: Dear Lord, I want to lift up each of our Young Wonder campers as the summer approaches and we begin to think about our next year at Camp Horizon. I ask you to help these young students finish their school year by giving everything they have got in their classes. I ask that you stay within their minds and their hearts through every task whether big or small. I can't wait to be a part of their walk for You as they grow Spiritually this summer. Amen. From counselor Anika: From Counselor Cal: Lord, I pray that you work through the Young Wonders this summer. I ask that you offer camp as an escape from the discomforts of life. Use camp as a pressure-free space that drives your children to leave their comfort zone. I pray that counselors provide your unconditional love and meet them where they are. Let them form lifelong bonds with one another and strengthen their connection to you. Grace them with peace and safe...

Prayer for Our Spring Work Teams

Dear God,  We lift up the 200 volunteers that planned to join a work team at Camp Horizon this spring.  Their work is invaluable and their absence is greatly felt this year.  We pray that all our volunteers are staying healthy at home during this time.  Be with each one of them and we pray that they know Camp Horizon is deeply appreciative of their years of service.  We pray that they will be able to return to camp soon and continue being the hands and feet of Christ. In Christ name, AMEN Since we can't see them, and we miss them all dearly here is a flash back to the 2017 VIM Team!

Prayer for Day Camps & Overnight Camps

Day Camps and Overnight Camps are for 1st - 3rd grade campers. These are our youngest campers and we want to lift them up in a special prayer today. We are prayerfully anticipating their arrival this summer! From Counselor Rachel: Dear God, I pray that all kids who come to Day Camp and Overnight Camp will be safe and loved. I pray that through this experience they will become stronger in their faith. I ask that these campers gain a comfort and love for camp that will last for many years to come. Please bless these kids as they come from all around to be introduced to camp. Amen From Counselor Seth:

Prayer for Camp Horizon's Food Service

Tonight we would like to lift up a prayer for our amazing food service personnel. This is typically a busy time of the year and they work endlessly to feed everyone at camp. That is not the case this year. Lord, We lift up our kitchen staff to you tonight. Kathy, Irene, & Pam work so hard to make sure everyone eats well at camp. We miss seeing their faces and of course eating their food. Everything about this time is different especially the empty retreat calendar. We lift up their time at home with their families, and their finances as they figure out these uncertain times. We pray a blessing on their ministry and that they will soon be back in the kitchen serving and loving everyone who comes to camp. We love them, we miss them, and we can't wait for them to be back. Lord, please bless them and fill them with your spirit! In your name we pray! Amen!

Prayer for Church Staff

Tonight we lift up the staff members that make our churches run smoothly. Lord we want to lift up the amazing people who work tirelessly to make our churches function. Times are weird right now, and they are helping our pastors figure out how to do things digitally and many are jumping in to help bring church to the people. Tonight Lord, we lift up the church secretaries, janitors, children's workers, youth workers, worship leaders, UMW, UMM, volunteers, and all those who work hard in our churches. We pray they are blessed this Easter weekend, and find peace in this chaotic world. In your name we pray, Amen!

Prayer for GP Camps

Today we lift up our United Methodist camps across Kansas & Nebraska that make up the Great Plains United Methodist Camps.  We lift up each site council and staff as they navigate this difficult time.  Guide and direct our actions so that our ministries can continue is new and powerful ways.  We pray that the local support near each site will come together to help see their camp make it through this challenging time.  Lord help us to find ways our sites can be of help during this time of crisis for so many.  In your name we pray, Amen.

Prayer for Pastors

Today we lift up our pastors in prayer. Lord, please bless the men and women who lead us in our churches. These individuals ordained by you to teach and lead us. They have had to completely redo their Lenten Series', and will preach an Easter like never before. They are being expected to be tech savvy and put themselves out there in a digital way that will be visible for weeks to come. This is a vulnerable time for them, social media and technologies are not the most grace filled ways to connect with people. We pray for patience and peace as they finish out this Holy Week in a virtual way. Help them to continue to be innovative and compassionate. Guide them to connect with people in the most useful ways and give them grace for all the moments they will feel like failures. They are digitally maxed out and are missing people's presence in the physical world. Lord, fill them up today as they pour into us! Thank you for technology and the ability to meet face to face without e...

Prayer for Middle School Camp

Tonight we lift up Middle School Camp in prayer! To lead us we have our camp speaker Pastor Maddie Johnson from Grace UMC in Winfield. A little throwback for your entertainment!! 2019  2018

A Prayer For Your Community

Tonight we encourage you to pray for your community. Each of the people and places that are still open and working tirelessly for you and the people around you. If you can keep your eyes on the cross and your heart in prayer, it is hard to get lost in the sadness of the world. Dear Lord,  Please hold our essential personnel close tonight. They are working so hard to keep our community functioning and safe. Please keep them safe and healthy throughout this time. We need our Sheriff Deputies, Police Officers, Dispatchers, Firefighters, EMS, Nurses, Doctors, Hospital Staff, City Personnel, Retail Workers, Mail Carriers, and everyone else who has to report to work as normal right now. Help us to teach our children to love these workers and care for them. We should be trying to make their jobs easier right now not harder. Help us to show them how much we love and cherish them today and every day. Amen It is custom in our house to pray every time we hear sirens. We have some es...

Prayer for Fun and Creativity

Tonight we pray for fun and creativity. Lord, our normal has been ripped away from us. We can't go to school, play sports, or even play with our friends. Camp is all about fun and creative moments Lord, please help us to remember this even today, when we can't do our normal. Help these quiet times fuel our creative minds in a way our busy schedules never could. Help us to use this creativity to serve you and connect with others in ways that please you. Teach us to write, dance, sing, and play all for you Lord. Amen! To help us with our creative fun, a couple of our Alumni Counselors have set up a challenge! They would like to challenge counselors Matthew Slusser and Jordan Suhler to make a video of their favorite camp song and share it. We would like to extend this challenge to each of you as well. Make a video of your favorite camp song and share it with us!!! Thank you Paul & Henry for sharing your fun and creativity with us!

Prayer for Grandparents

Lord, tonight we lift up grandparents. This essential part of camp is near and dear to our hearts. So many grandparents are the main way campers get to camp. They write the checks and provide the rides. Last summer a group of them even joined their grandkids at camp. Tonight we know many of these grandparents can't see their grandkids because of the virus and this is heartbreaking. Lord, give them peace tonight. Peace to know they are safe and their loved ones are safe and you are watching over them tonight. Help them have the courage to try out the different forms of technology so they can see their babies and hear their voices. Lord, the grandparents who have stepped up to the plate are raising their precious babies, please give them patience tonight. Help them to give themselves grace as they juggle homeschooling and technology, and children that can no longer leave their houses. They are handling big emotions and stressful times. Lord, these grandparents are needed and so speci...

Prayer for Health Care Workers

Dear Lord,  Today we lift up our healthcare workers. Our Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists, and all who make the hospitals and offices run. Without these incredible people we would be suffering so much more during these crazy times. On normal days we need them, and take them for granted, and today the world is running short on supplies to keep them safe as they work endlessly to care for all of us. Here at Camp we specifically lift up our medical staff who are each working in the field. We pray they are safe and will be able to join us this summer. Dr. Green, Nurse Haylee, CMA Hailee, & Nurse Tammy are planning to work with us this summer to make sure our campers are safe and cared for, and until then they each are on the front lines of this pandemic and work tirelessly for others. We also lift up Urgent Care of Cowley County, which we use on a regular basis in the summer. And the area pharmacies that play a part in our daily summer needs. Each of these places are overrun right now...

Prayer For Churches

Today we lift up the 150+ churches that partner with Camp Horizon each summer..  We pray for a sense of community and support is felt, even when congregations can't gather together in person.   We pray that during this challenging time every church member and staff knows that Camp Horizon cares for their ministry and is in prayer for them.  God you are in control and are thankful that you are with us and love us, no matter what.  AMEN  

Prayer for High School Camp

Today's prayer is brought to you by our High School Camp Speaker for this summer! Thank you Rev. Nick Talbott from University UMC for praying for us today, and joining us again this summer! Along with this we will add a little Throwback Thursday for you!! High School Camps from the past! 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

Prayer for Parents

This month we are going to spend time in prayer each day for all of the pieces of the big puzzle that is camp! We want to start with one of the biggest pieces! Parents!!! Lord, Abba, Father, You are the ultimate parent. Today we lift up all of the parents who are trying each day to parent the way you do. These days are crazier than any level of normal, our children are home and our jobs are iffy and also at home. Lord, we need your guidance. We ask you for peace in the unknown. Patience with these beautiful souls that are now everywhere we are. We pray for quiet moments and time for ourselves. We pray that we make dinner the kids will eat and that we don't run out of snacks. We pray that our internet runs strong so we can answer emails, attend work meetings, help our children go to school, and watch Netflix! Father, we need you in ways today that we have never needed you before. We are all worried about this virus, and we can't show that to our children. We are exhausted a...