Prayer for Fun and Creativity

Tonight we pray for fun and creativity. Lord, our normal has been ripped away from us. We can't go to school, play sports, or even play with our friends. Camp is all about fun and creative moments Lord, please help us to remember this even today, when we can't do our normal. Help these quiet times fuel our creative minds in a way our busy schedules never could. Help us to use this creativity to serve you and connect with others in ways that please you. Teach us to write, dance, sing, and play all for you Lord. Amen!

To help us with our creative fun, a couple of our Alumni Counselors have set up a challenge!
They would like to challenge counselors Matthew Slusser and Jordan Suhler to make a video of their favorite camp song and share it. We would like to extend this challenge to each of you as well. Make a video of your favorite camp song and share it with us!!!

Thank you Paul & Henry for sharing your fun and creativity with us!


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