Worship Wednesday: I Just Wanna Be a Sheep

For the next couple of months we are going to feature one of our favorite Praise & Worship Songs here at Camp Horizon! Our hope is you will join us in a worshipful way today, learn something about what we teach at camp, and connect with God.

I Just Wanna Be a Sheep is our first song. This has been a Camp Horizon staple for at least the last 12 years. Before coming to work at Camp in 2008 I had never heard of this song, and now I am sure it is forever stuck in my head! Even the years I was away from camp, I could sing and do the actions to this one at the drop of a hat! Songs with actions are fun and easy to to remember. Kids love them and we know these are the ones they annoy parents with all year long! :)

I am sure if you have ever looked this song up to play for your kids, you have been told that it is not in the right order! That's correct is nearly impossible to find a recording of this song in the order that we sing it at camp. But this song is so much more than it's order, actions, and catchy tune. It has the entire message of the Gospel wrapped into one fun kids song.

Sheep: Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He has called us all to be His obedient sheep and follow His voice. As a loving shepherd, Jesus is willing to leave His flock to find us, and protects us at all costs. He in fact laid down His life for this flock!

Hypocrite: A hypocrite is someone who does one thing and says another. These are people that have one foot in faith and one foot out. Scripture tells us that this kind of lukewarmness is despicable to God and He wants to spit them out (Rev. 3: 16). Author Francis Chan puts it this way, "Imagine going for a run while eat a box of Twinkies. Besides being self-defeating and side-ache inducing, it would be near impossible - you would have to stop running in order to eat the Twinkies." - Crazy Love. God doesn't want His sheep to live with one foot in and one foot out, He wants us to be all in!

Pharisee: Pharisees were the religious leaders in Jesus' day. These were the guys who often confronted Him trying to get Him to misquote scripture or do something that they could convict Him of. They were in charge of judging whether or not a sacrifice was worth making and they often increased the prices just because they could and the people would not be able to do anything about it. This is why the song talks about them not being fair.

Sadducee: Sadducees were another group of religious leaders and they were known for taking the law to the extreme. God said not to take His name in vain so they didn't use it all! They were really good at doing what the law said, but they always did it in a way that everyone could see it. Time of fasting! Woh is me, I am so hungry because I love the Lord! Their piety took on more of a show than devotion!

Jesus confronted both the Saducees and the Pharisees and completed the law and gave us freedom to love and serve Him without going through them!

Goats: These are useful farm animals but they are known for their stubbornness and destructive ways. A goat is not known for following the sound of his master's voice and instead goes it's own way.  In Matthew 25: 31-46, Jesus talks about the day He will separate the sheep from the goats and only His true flock that knows His voice will remain.

This may be a repetitive action packed song, but the message is profound we are called to be Christ's sheep and follow our Good Shepherd all the way Home!

Baa Baa Baa!!


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